Image of Sofia Benbahmed

Sofia Benbahmed

Sofia Oumhani Benbahmed is a 32 year old resident of Durham, North Carolina, and a student at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In 2021 her essay “Ant Chalk” was published in The Los Angeles Review, and she has an essay upcoming in AGNI Magazine. She hopes to go on to pursue an MFA in creative nonfiction writing.

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Published works

Creative Nonfiction

The Tremoring Woman and Our Proud Psychiatrist

Sofia Benbahmed

I am a new patient at a partial hospitalization program in Rancho Cucamonga, California. I didn't want to come here; for the duration of my time in this program I'll be living alone in an ... [+]

Finalist - Community Long Story Short Award 2022 - Creative Nonfiction